New and Old board meeting Monday 1130-1330 Murphy Conference Room 4th floor of Franz Hall.
Friday, September 25, 2009
New from UPSNA
Basically, the program pairs up freshmen nursing students with juniors, and sophomores with seniors. It is a way for students to share info about classes, studying tips for those classes, first hand accounts about what to expect while in the program, and it’s a great way to network too! A short questionnaire included on the application form will help pair students with similar learning and study styles together. The program is for UPSNA members only, and is one of the many benefits of joining UPSNA.
An email will be sent out in a couple weeks with the details for the luncheon with a SNAPP application attached, until that time applications can be found on the UPSNA board located on the third floor of Buckly Center. So, get those applications filled out and then come to the luncheon to find out who your partner is, we’re excited to have you involved in this truly one of a kind program!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Gene Cotton's "I am a Nurse"
Gene Cotton's "I am a Nurse" performed at the NSNA convention It don't get much better than that! ;)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Greeting from Nashville, TN and the NSNA Convention
Justus, Kaye Wilson-Anderson and I are in Nashville, TN for the National Student Nurses Association Convention! We are in the midst of 3,000 future nurses, nurse leaders, faculty and even assistants to the Surgeon General!
Last night the conference kicked off with thanking sponsors who put on this convention and giving special awards to deserving recipients. We then heard from Rear Admiral Carol A. Romano, PhD, RN, FAAN, Assistant Surgeon General, Chief Nurse Officer, US Public Health Service. The theme for the convention is "Making it Big, Nursing Students Stepping Up and Stepping Out. Dr. Romano challenged us as nurses to do exactly this Step up to the challenges we have and will face in our career and most importantly to step outside our comfort zones in our careers. Be the nurse that creates change, never settle for a no answer.
We hope to write on the blog daily while we are here and let you know what we're up to and why we're here.
Today we ended an exhibit hall with hundreds of Nursing Schools represented from all over the US as well as health care organizations looking for nurses to hire. There were tons of NCLEX prep companies represented and selling their products. The Army, Air Force, Navy, US Public Health Service and many more organizations were in attendance. This was a HUGE version of our Nurse Extravaganza. We picked up tons and I mean tons of information about hospitals that are "hiring" meaning probably, well maybe, we will hire in January, but don't worry its getting better! So for those of you graduating next year get ready and start looking into companies you may be interesting in working for. Applications for their internships are generally due before May graduates graduate. They do offer suggestions every time we stop and chat with them, which is nice :) Here they are: BE FLEXIBLE, TAKE WHATEVER YOU GET, but apply everywhere!, Write thank you notes for everything, Drop them off in person, Check in with nurse recruiters often and establish a relationship with them, they will be your advocate in the application process and most importantly know that things will get better and you can always move to a new job after this whole economy settles. Hospitals are reporting to us that at least 1/3 of their nurses are over 55, therefore it is key for them to hire new grads now and train them up in their system.
Secondly we went to a Pharm Made Extremely Easy focus session. We were singing songs about SIADH and learning about Anticholinergics with a picture of a guy sittin on the toilet strained saying "No pee, no see, no spit, no shit" I'd say I reinforced quite a bit in that hour class and got to laugh. I would recommend checking into their products!
A few stories. They eat fried apples for breakfast here. It's like eating the middle of an apple pie with no crust.... The hotel we are in is like a little town under a 9 acre glass ceiling! 15 acres in total. Last night we ended up at a very expensive restaurant in the hotel, so Justus ordered Lobster Bisque for $12. The guy brought it and a huge bowl only had 3 lil pieces of lobster and no soup. The look on his face-PRICELESS. The waiter then pulled out the soup part and dumped it in, but let me tell yea I was laughing and Justus was not impressed!
Well, we are off to see the town of Nashville tonight. More pictures, tips, stories, ideas to come tomorrow (or tonight who knows). Leave us comments or questions and we'll answer them or figure out the answer!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We’re almost done!! So naturally we have things to take care of ….
1. If you want a Pub Crawl shirt you MUST order one from us by FRIDAY APRIL 17th. Email with your size. Sm-XXXL available
2. Melissa is making a slide show for the roast. Please send your photos to The photos need to have our cohort in them and can be from clinical or from having fun! SEND them our way!!
3. The May celebration/roast is May 30th around 1400 keep your ears open for the exact time.
4. UPSNA will need help with making the roast of the professors happen. We have an idea for it but would welcome all of yours.
a. In order to accomplish our plan. PLEASE SEND US favorite quotes and stories from the professors!! Please make them Tasteful!!
b. Kathleen Bell
c. Karen Cameron
d. Lori Chorpenning
e. Darcy Copeland
f. Louisa Davis Sills
g. Susan Decker
h. Kari Firestone
i. Tricia Gatlin
j. Joanna Kaakinen
k. Lorette Krautscheid
l. Susan Moscato
m. Marie Napolitano
n. Mary Oakes
o. Chad O’lynn
p. Val Orton
q. Pamela Potter
r. Mary Beth Rosenstiel
s. Casey Shillam
t. Fran Simmons
u. Susie Stragnell
v. Linda Veltri
w. Diane Vines
x. Kaye Wilson-Anderson
y. Teri Woo
z. Elisa Majors
aa. Pat Alderman
bb. Barbara Bodine
cc. Kelly Margheim
dd. Emily Heuman
ee. Joanne Warner
ff. Carol Craig
gg. Anastatia Polyakov
5. HURST is doing a NCLEX review the week after graduation. The cost is $350 for a 4 day review. The class is interactive and taught by an RN with months of training in how to prep you for NCLEX. You can retake the class as many times as you need to and have full access to their resources and nurses to ask questions. Please email anna Vernon to RSVP and get details.
6. Video from Finance Workshop April 22nd 1800-2100 BC 310 The cost is $5. You will get to view the video and get a 6 pg outline of what we talked about. The Workshop was invaluable and comes HIGHLY Recommended--
“The financial workshop was great!! It was nice to go through the basics of finance and have the opportunity to ask questions. I really think that this should be offered every year. It's scary that we can graduate and get jobs without being aware of this information.” Kaylin Gaston
7. PINNING: We are wearing our graduation gowns with PROFESSIONAL attire underneath. Please go to the pinning website for information.
I know this is a long email, but it’s ALL important information. Please send any questions comments or concerns.
Thank You, UPSNA
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Finance Workshop
The room is BC 310. Please be on time to this event (early is your best bet seeing as there are 30 RSVP'd) We want the business department to be impressed with us :) I'm really excited for this event!
FYI for those of you that cannot make it!!! We will be videotaping the event and playing it at another date :) Please send an email to let us know you are interested in this option!
Also PUB CRAWL tshirts will be sold after the event as well as SNUP shirts. $10 for Pubcrawl shirts and $12 for SNUP shirts.
Thanks and see you there!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Board Positions!!
The President runs both the general assembly meeting and the executive board meeting. The main responsibilities are to ensure the smooth running and operation of UPSNA. This includes the delegation and assignment of tasks to board members, and taking on jobs and tasks themselves. The President is viewed as a representative of the student body and will often be called to meet with various important people in the School of Nursing. This is a very limited profile of what the president does. Essentially, if there is something that needs doing and no one else can do it, it’s the president’s job.
Vice President
The Vice President of UPSNA assists the President in forming and carrying out goals set forth by the organization as well as the student cohort. The Vice President also serves as the primary liaison and contact person between UPSNA and any other organizations with which the association may be affiliated with. The Vice President runs general assembly meetings and serves as the tie-breaking vote in the executive board, if needed.
The treasurer attends all club meetings, including board meetings and general assembly meetings. At the beginning of the school year there is a meeting through ASUP to orient the treasurer on how club money is handled. The treasurer, in conjunction with other board members, is responsible for creating event budgets to request fund allocations to UPSNA for the Spring semester of the academic year, and the following Fall semester after you are the treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for keeping a ledger of debits/credits of the club’s account. The treasurer is also responsible for check requests (turned into Waldschmidt) to pay out to companies, reimbursements if a board or club member spend funds for the club, and depositing money (including membership dues, and proceeds from t-shirt sales and events) to the account through Student Accounts in Waldschmidt.
The Secretary attends all club meetings, which include monthly board meetings and general assembly meetings. The Secretary will keep minutes of each meeting and create meeting agendas to distribute to each board member at the monthly board or general assembly meetings. The Secretary also assists other executive board members in events planning, coordinating, and volunteering.
Membership Director
The Membership Director keeps an updated directory of all of the current members of UPSNA. The director processes applications and informs members of their membership upon receiving payment. The director may be in charge of creating membership cards for club members. Currently, this position is filled by the Secretary, but may be made as a separate position.
Publicity Manager
The Publicity Manger promotes and supports UPSNA’s mission statement, events, and message through advertizing and networking. The P.M. works closely with the events coordinator and the technology coordinator for promotion of events, as well as the rest of the executive board. The role of the Publicity Manager is to maintain and update the UPSNA board and calendar on the third floor of BC. Publicity Manager also assists the executive board with any further duties, and attends and participates in executive board and general assembly meetings.
Several ideas for advertizing include: Posters, Fliers, Facebook, the Blog, E-mails, the board/calendar, AdVantage, the Beacon, KDUP, spokesperson in each nursing class and cohort, etc.
Student Liaison
The Student Liaison works to bridge the communication gap between students and the School of Nursing. The role of Student Liaison is to support the UPSNA board, help with any activities, lead his or her own projects, attend all board meetings and contribute as much or as little time as he or she would like. There are currently 2 open positions for Student Liaison.
Activities Coordinator
The Activities Coordinator works together with the rest of the executive board to brainstorm and implement activities that benefit UPSNA and the entire School of Nursing. Qualities such as good organizational skills, multi-tasking abilities, and excellence in delegation are important for this position. As with all of the positions, being a team player is essential.
Web Coordinator
The Web Coordinator is in charge of keeping UPSNA Facebook members up-to-date on all events that are happening within the School of Nursing and UPSNA. This person creates Facebook events and keeps track of inviting members to the events. The role of Web Coordinator also includes keeping the UPSNA Blog updated on the School of Nursing and UPSNA activities. Everything posted on Facebook must also be posted on the Blog. This position requires an understanding of how Facebook works and how to effectively manage the blog.
Committee on Students, Student Representative
Purpose: The Committee on Students develops, recommends, and administers regulations and procedures related to students to the Community. The committee coordinates activities related to the recognition of students.
1) Review, revise and recommend to the Community and Dean as indicated, regulations and procedures for admission, progression, retention, graduation, and recruitment from the undergraduate and graduate programs.
2) Monitor admission and progression trends.
3) Review and update the Student Handbooks annually.
4) Coordinate graduating senior awards.
5) Coordinate activities related to Pinning.
6) Coordinate activities related to student welfare and safety.
7) Recruit and coordinate student membership on standing committees of the SON.
The role of the Student Representative is to bring ideas to the Committee from a student perspective, as well as bring forth any pertinent issues students have brought up to the committee to address. Meetings are once a month on a Monday during 11:30-1:30 PM. Requirements: Good communication skills with faculty and students.
Curriculum Committee Student Representative
Purpose: The Curriculum Committee is responsible for providing leadership, monitoring, coordinating and structuring the program of study in the School of Nursing. The committee monitors content and structure of curriculum, the sequence of the program of study, and the courses taught.
1) Evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum to meet program outcomes.
2) Initiate curriculum proposals for courses/programs.
3) Review proposals submitted
4) Recommend changes in the curriculum including but not limited to, the structure of and sequence of the program of study; the courses to be taught; and the qualifications of faculty to teach.
5) Reviews proposals to change course outcomes and descriptions.
Meetings are once a month on a Monday during 11:30-1:30 PM. Requirements: Good communication skills with faculty and students.
UPSNA Board Application
UPSNA Board Member application
Check the position you are applying for:
□ President (Must be Junior or Senior)
□ Vice President
□ Treasurer
□ Secretary
□ Activities Director
□ Publicity Manager
□ Membership Director
□ Web Coordinator
□ Student Liaison (2)
□ Committee on Students Representative (2)
□ Curriculum Committee Representative (2)
Name: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________________________________ (Last, First)
Year: ___________________________________ (In the fall)
Contact number: (¬¬___¬¬___)_______________________
1. Describe yourself as a student
2. Describe yourself as a leader
3. What sort of skills and experiences do you bring to this position?
4. How will you manage school work and your role?
5. Have you had experience in UPSNA before? If yes, describe them. If no, what sort of experiences do you hope to have and bring to other members?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
UP Nurse Extravaganza Schedule!!
s Saturday!
At any point, stop by the booths (especially the UPSNA one) to get more information, tshirts (SNUP shirts $12 and pub crawl shirts $10--get them here only!), etc
1130: Networking, tables starting to open, food being set up, sign in and get a name tag
1200: FOOD
1215: ONA
1315: Speakers-Life Flight, International nursing, My Ultimate Rep and ER nursing (choose which you want to hear about)
1415: Speakers- Forensic Nursing, ROTC, Jail nursing (choose which you want to hear about)
1515: Drawing for prizes, must be present to win
Come Hang with us for the afternoon!!
See you there!!
Advice from a UP Grad-
There are job out there but it will take a little hunting. My advice to all you grads is not NOT slack on job hunting, every day you should be checking postings.
Here is the new hiring process for PPMC
PPMC is hiring much slower but it does not mean we dont need nurses.
The process has changed.
Before if there were 15 openings hospital-wide we can post 15 openings at a time and then people can apply to the ones they one.
The new screening process now only allows a certain number of job posting at a time. So lets say only 3 can be posted at a time every 2 weeks or until filled.
So it is important to make a profile on the providence website and check postings every week. Start now.
Apply even if you have not done ATI (dont mess up on it though) and keep looking out for openings.
At the moment PPMC 2nd floor has the highest need. So their postings will go first. 2G is Stepdown Cardiology and 2R is stepdown Respiratory.
8S Neurology and 8N ortho will be later in April.
Second tip is to contact managers with your resume and letter of why you want to work on their floor. That shows initiative and brings you to their attention (this is straight from many of the managers mouths). However you still need to apply online regardless
Always follow up with your applications. This means call within a week of applying
Do not make it sound like you will leave that unit in less than a year to pursue a different field. You will be passed over quickly.
Well I hope that helps
Happy Job hunting
Bailey Saleumvong RN, BSN UPSNA alum liason
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Founder's Day-- A History Making Day!!
Hey guys at the last Forum with Dean she told us about her idea to take a picture of the ENTIRE SON, but that she was still figuring it out! Well they have it all figured out and here's the info! The school is seriously excited about this picture! Let's all show up to show UP what's up. We're the biggest major on campus let's prove it! -UPSNA
YOU are invited to make history and mark a moment in time! The School of Nursing will celebrate their 75th Anniversary in 2009-2010. We need a photo of us – ALL 700+ of us freshman through seniors, staff and faculty – as the UP School of Nursing at 75 years.
- When: Founder’s Day, April 7, 2009 from 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Rain or shine!
- Where: In front of Franz Hall facing the Chapel
- How: A photographer on a crane to capture us all! (That's sweet!)
- Extras: Raffle with cool prizes. Must be present to win!
Direct questions to Kelly Margheim in BC315. Be there to make history. Dean Warner
Saturday, March 14, 2009
SON Newsletter
Please remember that Kelly is the email sender and she gets bombarded with requests to send us emails. So she doesn't do it to punish us :)
Send some feedback on what you think about the Newsletter!!
This is a networking and information event. We will have speakers, food and tables with a lot of great information about different types of nursing, board test prep, community service opportunities and more!
UPSNA T Shirts have been reordered in more sizes and will be available as well as MAYBE the Senior Nursing Pub Crawl Shirts. Come see if they're there!!! :)
All cohorts are welcome and invited to join in the fun! Freshman to Senior!! Let all the nurses you know!
March 21st 12-4pm In Franz Hall Lobby
Send us an email with any questions about the event!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
UPSNA Board Member Application
UPSNA Board Member application
Check the position you are applying for:
□ President (Must be Junior or Senior)
□ Vice President
□ Treasurer
□ Secretary
□ Activities Director
□ Publicity Manager
□ Membership Director
□ Web Coordinator
□ Student Liaison (2)
□ Committee on Students Representative (2)
□ Curriculum Committee Representative (2)
Name: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________________________________ (Last, First)
Year: ___________________________________ (In the fall)
Contact number: (¬¬___¬¬___)_______________________
1. Describe yourself as a student
2. Describe yourself as a leader
3. What sort of skills and experiences do you bring to this position?
4. How will you manage school work and your role?
5. Have you had experience in UPSNA before? If yes, describe them. If no, what sort of experiences do you hope to have and bring to other members?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
FORUM with the DEAN
If you came last semester it was a huge success! There were about 30 people there and the Dean was very receptive to student input.
The focus on this forum will be to take the problems we put to her last meeting...OPT, negative feelings about staff, numbers...ect and COME UP WITH SOME IDEAS TOGETHER on HOW TO FIX THEM.
FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS!! Pay attention everything we have discussed with the Dean this year are things that affect your education. Meeting with the Dean is an opportunity to have your voice heard and questions answered!!
BE there, SHOW your education is something you WANT to be a part of!
Monday, February 9, 2009
UPSNA is sponsoring a JOB FAIR! Who do you want to be there?!
Nurse Managers
ONA employees
Different specialties
Community nurses
Psych nurses
You name it we want to hear it!!
ALSO, please let us know if you can help or want to help with this endeavor! MORE INFO TO COME!!
THANKS for your help!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Oregon Student Nurses Association Annual Conference
We're All In This Together . . .
. . . Building Community Today for a Brighter Future Tomorrow!
February 21st, 2009
Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, OR
Event Location: Mount Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark St, Gresham, OR 97030
Event Date: 8am-5pm on Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Registration: $30 includes lunch
Early Bird Registration: $25 if you register before February 1st
More information and registration available at:
Contact Carling Vaux with any questions!
To sign up for our team go to:
Date: April 17th-18th, 2009 6pm to 12pm
See you walkin' the QUAD!!
Notes from 1/26 Meeting
1. Thanks to all that donated for the Family Giving! We were able to give gifts 5 families and used the money donated to fill in where we were short. THANK YOU! You MADE A DIFFERENCE!
2. This year is beginning to wind down, which means the UPSNA board made up of all Seniors NEEDS and WANTS Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors to get involved with our projects. Please send me a message if you are interested in becoming involved in the UPSNA board. I will get you further information :)
3. We are discussing having a resume workshop for those stressing about how to make the perfect resume. This will done in conjunction with the Career Center.
4. Many of us seniors are feeling the pressures of graduating and feeling completely unprepared for all things financial upon graduation! We are going to try and work with the business department to do a 4 hour workshop or more on all things real world finance.
5. SENIORS!! PUB CRAWL SHIRTS!! Send us some IDEAS!! ASAP You can post them on here, send any of the board members a message, or send us an e-mail
6. Fleeces will be ready for those that have pre-ordered and paid this week I will let you know. Also we will be taking pre-orders when we hand out the others. The t-shirts will be available then as well. DATE TBA!
Ok phew Sorry bout that!! BUT we've got BIG things going on!! Come be a part of this! February 23rd Next meeting!
Graduation and Pinning Information!!
February 2 Last day to apply for graduation if you are graduating in August.
If you are a May graduate and have not applied for graduation,
visit the Registrar.
May 1, 11:00am Graduation rehearsal, Earle A. & Virginia H. Chiles Center
May 3, 2:00pm Graduation ceremony, Earle A. & Virginia H. Chiles Center
Refer to the commencement schedule for the complete list of events
School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony 2009
As the Dean of the School of Nursing, I invite the this year's bachelor of science in nursing graduates, family and friends to attend the University of Portland School of Nursing pinning ceremony on Saturday, May 2, 2009, 9:00am in the Earle A. and Virginia H. Chiles Center. This pinning event has special significance because it will mark the beginning of the 75 year anniversary of the University of Portland School of Nursing.
The pinning ceremony is designed to celebrate the accomplishment of completing the baccalaureate program and the transition into professional practice. Family and friends, School of Nursing faculty and staff, clinical partners and other university members join together to honor the graduating students.
The pinning ceremony is a proud nursing tradition with roots as far back as the time of the Crusades and continued in modern times through the accomplishments of Florence Nightingale. The first nursing pins were awarded in America in 1880. Nursing students receiving their nursing pin at this ceremony will join over 3,800 University of Portland graduates who marked their transition from student to professional nursing practice with this event. Our nursing pin is unique with rich and meaningful symbolism that represents the special characteristics of our University and program. [Note the side bar description of the pin on this page.]
Two Master/Mistresses of Ceremony selected by their peers will host the program. Highlights include the invocation given by a senior nurse selected from the 2009 graduating class, a keynote speaker address, the announcement of senior award recipients, the presentation of pins and closing remarks by a graduate from each cohort selected by their peers. Beautiful live music enhances the celebration and tradition of the event.
Graduates, please print the student pinning nomination form using the link below and select from your cohort, people who you feel would best perform the various student roles in the ceremony. You will also nominate a peer from your cohort for the Harriett Osborne Jeckell leadership award. Nomination forms are due February 11.
You will receive your pin as a special gift from the School of Nursing. The pin form will help us gather the information we need to order your individual pin. Please take the time to complete the form and return it to the nursing office, BC 315, by February 11. If you have any questions regarding the ceremony or the pin form feel free to contact Kelly Margheim, or telephone, 503-943-8144.
A reception in your honor will immediately follow the ceremony. During this time, faculty you have worked with will be available to meet your family and friends and share in the honoring of your achievement.
Important Pinning Dates
May 1 - Pinning rehearsal, 8:00am, Earle A. & Virginia H. Chiles Center
May 2 - Senior class pictures, front of Waldschmidt Hall
7:30am - August Graduates
8:00am - May Graduates
Pinning Ceremony, 9:00am, Earle A. & Virginia H. Chiles Center
The ceremony will be approximately an hour and 30 minutes. A reception
will follow.
There is no guest limit and no tickets are required.
Guests needing special seating will be accomodated on the day of the ceremony.
You are welcome to send this invitation to family and friends.
This pinning ceremony celebrates our collective excellence – accomplished students, stellar faculty, amazing staff, university-wide excellence and all those individuals who support our journeys in big and small ways. We look forward to this special day.
Joanne R. Warner, DNS, RN
Dean and Professor
University of Portland
School of Nursing
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Message from your UPSNA President! MEETING MONDAY!!
I hope that the holiday season treated you all well and that you have had the time to get settle in. The next UPSNA meeting will be held on Monday the 26th at 11:00am in St. Mary's. Come by and see what is happening this semester with the student nurse association.
What: Student Nurse Association Meeting
When: 11:00am
Where: St. Mary's Lounge
Who: All nursing students. You don't have to be an SNA member to be present.
Justus Green
President UPSNA