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New and Old board meeting Monday 1130-1330 Murphy Conference Room 4th floor of Franz Hall.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

UPSNA Board Member application

It's time for another group of outstanding UP Student Nurses to take the reigns of UPSNA. If you would like the chance to have a greater impact on your experience and that of your fellow nursing students while at the University, this a great opportunity!

To apply, copy and paste the following into a Word Document, fill it in and then email it off to

UPSNA Board Member application
Check the position you are applying for:
□ President (Must be Junior or Senior)
□ Vice President
□ Treasurer
□ Secretary
□ Activities Director
□ Publicity Manager
□ Membership Director
□ Web Coordinator
□ Student Liaison (2)
□ Committee on Students Representative (2)
□ Curriculum Committee Representative (2)
Name: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________________________________ (Last, First)
Year: ___________________________________ (In the fall)
Contact number: (¬¬___¬¬___)_______________________
1. Describe yourself as a student

2. Describe yourself as a leader

3. What sort of skills and experiences do you bring to this position?

4. How will you manage school work and your role?

5. Have you had experience in UPSNA before? If yes, describe them. If no, what sort of experiences do you hope to have and bring to other members?