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New and Old board meeting Monday 1130-1330 Murphy Conference Room 4th floor of Franz Hall.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I'd like to introduce myself to you--I'm Melissa and I'm the senior representative for Committee on Students. I will be taking the ideas and opinions from the nursing student body to the faculty. We all moan and gripe about the lack of communication that we sometimes feel between the SON and us the students.

I will take your GRIPES! So let me hear it! With that we have developed a means for you to professionally let off steam.

Please comment on this blog in this fashion:

What you would like to see (goal):_________________
How do you suggest we achieve this goal (intervention):_____________________

These can be on anything. Curriculum, clinical, courses, paperwork.

I have a meeting with faculty on Monday a week from today, so let me HEAR it!
NOTE: I especially want to hear about what people are required to do for their Medsurg 2 paperwork!! This is a big issue I have beign hearing lots about. I will be putting all the comments together and sharing the differing requirements with the faculty.

Thank you for taking the time!


You can comment anonymously, but be sure to tell me where your clinical is. THANKS

1 comment:

Melissa said...

For my Medsurge 2 we had to do 2 OPTs and Webs, and of course the client story with that- They were due by 12pm Friday for our Tues/Wed evening shift. I am pretty sure most of us passed in the first two weeks and did not have to do a 3rd one. We did not have to do an FHP.

Our instructor recognized that we have lives outside of Medsurg which was great!