Send us e-mails!

New and Old board meeting Monday 1130-1330 Murphy Conference Room 4th floor of Franz Hall.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Way to Communicate with YOU!

Hey UP Nurses!

For all of you that don't have Facebook or are just annoyed by its new design--let's try "blogspot" and see how it goes. :) We will still be updating Facebook as well.

Board Members

President: Justus Green
Co President: Xaiver Champagne
VP: Maren Nelson
Secretary: Sofia Vu
Treasurer: Erin Schmidt
Publicity: Kelsey Lemons
Social: Laura McGoffin
Student Liaisons: Courtney Wong and Carling Vaux
Web Communication: Melissa Mangin

Please feel free to comment on here! Or send UPSNA an email


Anasofia said...

you forgot Courtney Wong and Carling Vaux for Student Liasons

ZigZags and Blossoming said...

Thanks fixed it :)