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New and Old board meeting Monday 1130-1330 Murphy Conference Room 4th floor of Franz Hall.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finance Workshop

Hey guys just a reminder that the workshop is this weekend 0900-1200. The cost is $5 for non UPSNA members. We will have a list at the door.

The room is BC 310. Please be on time to this event (early is your best bet seeing as there are 30 RSVP'd) We want the business department to be impressed with us :) I'm really excited for this event!

FYI for those of you that cannot make it!!! We will be videotaping the event and playing it at another date :) Please send an email to let us know you are interested in this option!

Also PUB CRAWL tshirts will be sold after the event as well as SNUP shirts. $10 for Pubcrawl shirts and $12 for SNUP shirts.

Thanks and see you there!

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